Broadway & Smiling Dogs Rule (no knitting)

So, Broadway. I love it. Love theatre. Love doing behind the scenes stuff – I was a costume wench in high school. Last night we started watching The Producers and I just didn’t love it. Matthew Broderick was overacting. It seemed too much like a B’way show. Not like Chicago or Rent – they worked in a movie format. Broderick bothered me. Bummer. Oh Ferris.

Just because I was curious to the amount of shows I’ve seen or been involved with…
I’ve worked on versions of Into the Woods, Marvin’s Room, You Can’t Take it with You, Guys and Dolls, Serpent Woman, The Boy Friend, Fiddler on the Roof, Schoolhouse Rock Live!.

I’m a huge theater fan – I’ve seen Grease! (with Ricky Paull Goldin and Rosie O’Donnell (Did you know she Flickrs?)), Cats, Tommy, Rent, Miss Saigon, Smokey Joe’s Cafe, Blue Man Group, Les Mis, Oklahoma!, SideShow, A Chorus Line, Godspell, Jesus Christ Superstar, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Mamma Mia, Riverdance. Sure, that’s not nearly as many as some people I know. But I am confident in saying my theater appreciation is quiet healthy.

For my birthday this year, we have tickets to see Spamalot!!!! I can’t wait!


THe weather has finally turned so nice! I’m trying to maximize my time outside and in the garden. Also, we’ve got company coming over on Monday. Shocking, but for today weeding and seeding and composting takes priority over knitting. Momentarily. There may be knitting podcasts listened to during the outdoor work, but I really enjoy having those for the car. We shall see. Expect posts to follow on the following topics:
*The Amazing Lace: Meet the teams Introduction (Challenge #1)
*The Broadway Post (Producers, what I’m going to see, what I’ve seen, what I’ve worked on)
*Swap and Pal catch up – (*waves hello to the Knitty Mellow SP! and June Colorswap SP!) I’ve got Q / A to post, and some blog reading to do. And for my tea swap pal (I know you don’t know who you are yet) Your package is going out on Tuesday!
*Pictures – maybe of the dog. maybe of me. maybe of the baby robins that are in a nest outside in my front yard.
*Dog stuff. Bark magazine. Smiling Dogs Rule! Jackson is entered in the Old Navy new mascot contest.

May 11, 2006

So I think this is going to be my new computer wallpaper:

It’s a tad dark, but I love the natural lighting and the room it’s in. This was a deck that had been screened in to make an all-season room (not by me, I am all for decks) but it is a very nice space. Jackson likes to sit on that chair and keep an eye on the bunnies and birds. The yellow and white striped chair next to my little dog is one of a pair that belonged to my great-grandparents that my uncle had reupholstered and down cushions made. They go perfect in this room and are very very cool. And yes, in the photo you can see my pedicure socks, and my rolled up jeans.

Here’s a photo of my attempt at illusion knitting, the Rosalind Scarf from magknits straight on:

and at an angle:

I uploaded the photos into flickr in a different order, this should have been posted first – a big thank you to Jae who was my Green colorswap partner!

She sent Schafer Yarn – Anne that is enabling me to enter The Amazing Lace! She also sent some truly delish aran yarn! And opening the green apple candy, peppermint chocolate and sour altoids packed quite a punch to the senses! We enjoyed the juicy treats last night while watching LOST. And I’m in love with the stitch markers! Jae is a truly awesome awesome person – she sent (seperately and very quickly) wool for one of my students science fair project!

May 9

I finished a pair of pedicure socks using yarn from Dani / Sunshine Yarns – I still have a ton left over! More to make. Gotta take a photo and post it. Do these count towards 200sox? or 2000 socks in 2006? I don’t see why not!

Also, started working on Rosalind – I’m using Elsbeth Lavold Silky Wool in Granite and Woad (I think, don’t have the bands right here) – those colors are really close, will the illusion still show?

I’ve also got big plans to knit up CeCe & Cutaway in the near future.

We ended up returning the second dog, as great as he was, it just didn’t work out. Jackson was actually quite unfriendly to the new guy.

My newest favorite podcast? Coverville